Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Animal Graphic

I chose to do a newt. During my physical analysis of the newt, I noticed that they didn't have any real "sharp" attributes. The only thing that remotely seemed ridged was the spine going down the body and tail. The other thing that seemed to give this creature any individuality was the markings. Most pictures that I found, the newts had spots or blotches. This feature I think made the difference between newts and lizards, along with the softer edges of the newt.

Graphic Animal-simplified

To simplify the image I did a very crude form of the newt, using very sharp lines. This was the complete opposite of the actual features or the newt. I think the drawing looks more like an alligator, which I think of as a hard animal with sharp features: teeth and scales. The top three features of the newt were: Soft, defined spine and spots. With those three features I came up with the outline for the graphic reduction that I wanted to produce.

Graphic Animal - Final image reduction

After completing this project I am pleased with the way it turned out. I think the figure is plainly recognizable as a lizard type creature, the newt may have been lost in the lack of popularity of the animal. This can be the case when simplifying the creature. For example, if simplifying a horse, you may not be able to tell the difference between a quarterhorse and walking horse...which are indeed two very different horses. I think if my picture was used at a zoo, people interested in seeing lizards and other type animals would follow that sign and not be disappointed.